ELC Review

I reviewed the work “First Screening” by Barrie Nichol. It is meant to be viewed digitally and can be viewed in the form of a video showcasing the work and poems, a JavaScript link which allows readers to actually run the program, the original work on a DSL fiie, or as a HyperCard version. I ran the work using JavaScript and also viewed the video discovering that this work could not have been produced in a more traditional medium because it relies greatly on coding and the effects that the digital medium allows the work to have. The poems are not meant to be simply read because they appear with certain flashing, rearranging, and disappearing/appearing effects which would not work as print. The contents and meaning that these digital effects add to the poems would be lost through a more traditional medium.

“First Screening” used coding and various special effects (flashing, rearranging, etc.) to display the work. This format is very intriguing to readers, however; the flashing can be overwhelming and difficult to read, and I wouldn’t say that I truly felt as if I was reading poetry. It more felt like I was viewing the work of someone who just learned to use code and was simply trying to showcase all of the cool effects they discovered rather than as concrete works of poetry. That being said, the piece was still very enjoyable because the effects were unexpected and unique!